Our services are divided into two categories, "internal" and "external," where the former deals solely with the client and is flat-fee based, while the latter deals with third parties and is billed hourly. Pricepoints are based on economies of scale, efficiency, and aligning GC’s interest with those of its clients.
Internal Consulting
GC offers its clients unlimited access to an outsourced general counsel, without billable hours, for all issues which do not involve third parties. Thus, clients can “run it past legal". Examples of "internal" services include:
• review of insurance coverage;
• drafting employee manuals and applications;
• ongoing "behind the scenes" advice during negotiations with third parties;
• drafting contracts for use with the client’s customers or vendors;
• risk management for all aspects of the business; etc.
External Services
Any services in which GC interfaces with an outside third party on behalf of a client would be considered "external." Thus, drafting a contract for a client would be an "internal" service. By contrast, actually handling the negotiations regarding that contract with a third party on behalf of a client would be an "external" service.
External services must be charged at an hourly rate because GC has no control over what a third party will do, or over how reasonable or unreasonable that third party will be. A relatively simple matter may thus take much longer than anticipated if one is faced with a truly unreasonable opponent.
However, unlike any other law firm, GC’s hourly billing structure is reversed, dropping over time. Thus, it is in GC’s own interest to resolve any external matter as quickly as possible, so it can maximize its own efficiency. In this way, GC’s interests are firmly aligned with its clients, as opposed to traditional law firms, who make their money by dragging out external matters for as long as possible.